All Resources

Trexo sizing and height requirements
Like any assistive equipment, proper fitting is key to get the most of your Trexo. It is important that your child meets the size requirements to use the Trexo correctly and prevent any discomfort. The size restrictions are related to the Rifton Dynamic Walker and the...

The Mobility Mindset Episode 2
Podcast Update! Today we recorded episode two of our podcast, The Mobility Mindset with Trexo Robotics. Effie Parks, host of Once Upon A Gene podcast and rare disease advocate, as well as Mom to Ford, who has a rare disease called CTNNB1 syndrome. Learn about why...

A Look Back At 100 Million Steps
100M Steps: Thoughts From Our New Marketing Coordinator. As a new member of the Trexo team, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to witness the profound impact it has on the families we work with. One of the most powerful moments I’ve experienced since joining was...

Headed For The Moon
Trexo Robotics had a great year, and we have our sights on an even better one this year! Trexo's Year In Review In 2024, we celebrated 100 million steps by Trexo users! Congratulations to the kiddos and their families. Trexo also won an MBOT award. Trexo Robotics;...

The Mobility Mindset with Trexo Robotics – Episode 1
Podcast - Check I have wanted Trexo to start a podcast for a long time. I had it in mind for 2025 (check that off the list) but I didn't expect to launch it so soon. My colleague Sara really wanted to share conversations that matter. She wanted to help parents feel...

Happy (Belated) New Year
Trexo Updates! Hey there! Happy Belated New Year! We dove right into the new year and have been busy. I finally have a minute to sit down and share some information with you! First and foremost, everyone at Trexo wishes you all a fantastic start to 2024. We're kicking...

Blog Takeover: Alex’s Trexo Journey
Alex took over our Blog to share her Trexo journey! We are honored that she took the time to share her thoughts and love her enthusiasm. Connect with her on Instagram, if you want to continue to follow her journey. And now, Alex takes over... My Trexo journey...

Trexo News May 2023
Trexo News and Updates. We are always happy to share news from within our community and of our course our news and updates too! Let us know if you have any questions.Recently Eren and Hannah both reached one million steps in their Trexo. Congratulations to you both!...

The Importance of Exercise for Kiddos with Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects muscle tone, posture and movement. Kiddos with CP often have difficulty with coordination and mobility. These difficulties can make it challenging for them to take part in physical activities. Exercise is...

Pediatric Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy: An Overview
Pediatric physical therapy for cerebral palsy is designed to help children develop strength, coordination, and balance to maximize their functional abilities. It also works to improve posture, movement, and motor development, as well as enhance a child’s ability to...

What are Neural Adaptation and Neuroplasticity? Neural adaptation is a process where the brain adjusts its response to repeated/continuous stimulus. Neural adaptation is important for learning and memory. When we learn new skills or information our brains adapt by...