Trexo Research & Studies

Leading rehabilitation and pediatric facilities are conducting clinical studies on the Trexo Plus to better understand its impact.

Learn more about the Trexo Plus

Supporting literature behind the Trexo Plus

Trexo is novel equipment that launched in 2018, with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital as our first clinical collaborator site. Since then more clinics have acquired the Trexo Plus and are in the process of conducting research. 

Below is a list of research studies supporting robotic gait training which were used during the design of the Trexo.

Robotic lower extremity exoskeleton use in a non- ambulatory child with cerebral palsy: a case study
January 15, 2021 Read the paper 

Evaluation of the effectiveness of robotic gait training and gait-focused physical therapy programs for children and youth with cerebral palsy: a mixed methods RCT
June 2, 2016 Read the paper

Combined robotic-aided gait training and physical therapy improve functional abilities and hip kinematics during gait in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury
April 27, 2015 Read the paper

Robot-assisted gait training might be beneficial for more severely affected children with cerebral palsy
April 2, 2015 Reach the paper

Prospective controlled cohort study to evaluate changes of function, activity and participation in patients with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy after Robot-enhanced repetitive treadmill therapy
April 24, 2014 Read the paper

Improvement of walking abilities after robotic- assisted locomotion training in children with cerebral palsy
February 10, 2009 Read the paper

Trexo Research in Progress