Alex in her Trexo

Reimagine Your Child’s Future One Step At A Time

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Walking with the Trexo outside
hands-free walking
hands-free walking
Trexo News

Your child’s disability should not define what they’re capable of. The Trexo gets your child upright and walking so they can keep their whole body active!

Did you know that Trexo is the only at-home robotic gait trainer for kids? We designed it with feedback from parents, PTs and doctors.

We know you probably have questions. The best first step is to download our free guide – it answers all the common questions. 

As a next step after that, if you are interested in learning more, you can schedule a no obligation phone call with our sales person. She is the Mom of a kiddo who has used the Trexo for 3+ years, so she can speak professionally and personally. 

Collectively, the kiddos in the Trexo community have walked a total of 135 million minutes!


That is 257 years of walking (24/7)!


We are so proud of the kiddos in our community that are experiencing so many benefits of walking!

Trexo Open House

“I’m so grateful for it, check everybody’s hips! Every child who’s not ambulatory should be given a chance to be in a Trexo and walk around!”

Alex’s Mom, Lauren

“Friday is our 2 year anniversary! Trexo is working out great! Savvy loves it and we switched to the endurance mode and she is doing great on her own. We are so happy!”

Savvy’s Mom, Christina

"We have some children who normally don’t like to try new therapies or new techniques or new devices, but there wasn’t one child that didn’t enjoy it"


"Not only is the Trexo a great tool for allowing the parents to give their kids really good activity in terms of patterning and alignment, really consistent stepping pattern, but they can do that without putting a really big strain on their body. It’s a great tool that parents can use at home to keep the kids moving, to get them upright everyday."


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